In the glossy realm of television, workplaces are often depicted as hubs of drama, intrigue, and sometimes, a fair bit of substance use. Take the Max TV series "Industry," for instance, where characters indulge in a "work hard, play hard" mentality that occasionally veers into the realm of illicit drug use. While these...
Untangling the Challenges of Testing for Marijuana Impairment
Testing for marijuana impairment is like navigating a maze – it's tricky, and the rules aren't as straightforward as they are for alcohol.
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Addressing Overdose Risks: A Call for Workplace Support for Healthcare Workers
New research covering the years 2008 to 2019 reveals a troubling rise in drug overdose cases among healthcare workers. Nurses, social and behavioral healthcare workers, and healthcare support staff are facing increased risks, highlighting the urgent need for action.
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Changes in Testing for Marijuana in the Workplace
While some states may be reclassifying marijuana in their drug testing, a drug-free workplace policy's purpose is to help keep employees safe. Employers should review any new statutes and news for their state and, with legal counsel, adjust their policies accordingly.
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Employer Awareness: Microdosing at Work?
Regardless of personal feelings, drug use in the workplace -- whether that workplace is an office, at home, or representing a company in the greater public -- is problematic. Those who misuse drugs are 10 times more likely to miss work, and 4 times more likely to cause a work-related accident.
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41,000 Truck Drivers Test Positive for Marijuana
The most recent report from the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) provided data that in 2022, approximately 41,000 truck drivers tested positive for marijuana, a 32 % increase from 2021. From 2020 to 2022, more than 100,000 truck drivers tested positive for marijuana, but less than half of these drivers completed the return-to-work process.
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