In northeastern Ohio, employers say they see jobseekers all the time who look like "the walking dead," would-be workers struggling with opioid addiction. The problem is so great, reports economics correspondent Paul Solman, that it's had a noticeable effect on the nation's...
As a small business owner, maintaining a drug-free workplace is essential for safety, productivity, and compliance with industry regulations. However, recent reports indicate that more employees than ever are attempting...
For small business owners in safety-sensitive industries like construction, transportation, and manufacturing, understanding how evolving marijuana laws affect your workplace is crucial. With marijuana legal for use in many states,...
As a small business owner, maintaining a drug-free workplace is essential for safety and productivity. Drug test kits are an invaluable tool in this process, whether for pre-employment screenings, random...
Rescinding an offer of employment is never an easy decision, but situations involving substance use or failed drug tests can make the process even more sensitive. Small business owners must...