Tag Archives: drug-free workplace

Rising Drug Overdose Rates in Certain Workforce Industries

A recent CDC report reveals distressing trends in drug overdose deaths, spotlighting the heightened vulnerability of construction and restaurant workers in 2020. The study, analyzing data from 46 states and New York City, emphasizes the disproportionate challenges faced by specific sectors in the U.S. workforce.


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National Recovery-Friendly Workplace Toolkit Announced!

The Biden administration recently launched the Recovery-Ready Workplace initiative, along with an online hub, urging employers nationwide to actively support individuals in recovery from addiction. The program provides a toolkit for employers and endorses a model state law to incentivize businesses to become "recovery-friendly" workplaces. With over 20 million Americans in recovery, the initiative aims to combat discrimination faced by those seeking employment while presenting a mutually beneficial opportunity for both individuals and businesses.
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