
Parents in the Workplace

In today's society, children often know more about drugs than their parents. When problems arise in your employees' homes, the parents' job performance may suffer.
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Catching Your Child with Drugs

Catching your child with drugs can be devastating to a parent or family. Feelings of intense disappointment and anger may surface. If that happens, give yourself time to cool off before you talk to your child.
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Setting the Rules and Avoiding Risk

Parents must clearly state the rules against the use of drugs, alcohol or other substances such as tobacco. The rule can be simply stated such as, “I don’t want you to use any substance including drugs or alcohol, or be in a situation where drugs or alcohol are being used.”
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Marijuana and Teens that Drive

Because a growing number of states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana, it’s important for parents to be aware of the impact of marijuana to their teen and young adult children, especially if they drive.
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Bill would provide workplace discrimination protection for medical cannabis users

Sacramento Business Journal | Scott Rodd | April 20, 2018

Bill would provide workplace discrimination protection for medical cannabis users

With California’s legalization of recreational cannabis this year, state lawmakers continue to push legislation that normalizes cannabis use. State Assemblyman Rob Bonta, D-Oakland, wants to see that normalization extended to the workplace through protections for employees who...
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