In northeastern Ohio, employers say they see jobseekers all the time who look like "the walking dead," would-be workers struggling with opioid addiction. The problem is so great, reports economics correspondent Paul Solman, that it's had a noticeable effect on the nation's...
The cost of treating opioid addiction among American workers and their families has skyrocketed in recent years, a new study has found.
People covered by employer health insurance received $2.6 billion worth of treatment for opioid addiction and overdoses in 2016,...
News accounts report that thousands of Californians celebrated the first day of 2018 by exercising their new right to legally purchase marijuana for recreational use. Recreational marijuana shops were overwhelmed by long...
Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s January 4, 2018, Memorandum for All U.S. Attorneys explicitly rescinds all prior nationwide guidance on marijuana-related offenses under the federal...
As marijuana continues to be legalized for recreational use across more U.S. states, the impacts on various aspects of society are becoming clearer. A recent study published in the JAMA...
As a small business owner, maintaining a drug-free workplace is essential for safety, productivity, and compliance with industry regulations. However, recent reports indicate that more employees than ever are attempting...
For small business owners in safety-sensitive industries like construction, transportation, and manufacturing, understanding how evolving marijuana laws affect your workplace is crucial. With marijuana legal for use in many states,...
As a small business owner, maintaining a drug-free workplace is essential for safety and productivity. Drug test kits are an invaluable tool in this process, whether for pre-employment screenings, random...